For techie tips and tricks, tools and sites of (dis)interest


| Friday, October 26, 2007
Users surprised by change to AU settings (Vista)

U3 flash drives rendered useless on some PCs

Convert applications to run on your new U3 USB Flash Drive
Posted by Jim (via email)
Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure

"Sling" your TV over the internets

| Wednesday, October 24, 2007
OK, so you pay for satellite or cable TV. You have all the packages; all the optional extras. You pay a lot for the privilege (or perhaps you have a Dreambox ;-). There's just one thing wrong: you spend most of your waking hours at work, sitting in front of a PC, while your expensive TV subscription sits idle.

Not anymore.

Now you can watch your own TV from your laptop, PC or mobile phone. You can even change the channel. All you need is a very special set top box, broadband and some nifty software. It's not even that expensive.

Click here for details

Click here to purchase

1TB of Network Attached Storage, yours for only $350

| Monday, October 15, 2007

Just for balance

| Thursday, October 11, 2007
Not everything Apple does is cool. Here's "Why Quicktime Sucks", a succinct little gripelet about how annoying it is when you have to deal with the Quicktime Movie format.

If you like it why not vote for it? If you are not insane, why not vote for something else.
Look to the right of your screen for a video format popularity contest...

The Trouble with Vista

It isn't the features you can see in Vista, or the lack thereof -- it's the priority shift at Microsoft's core

This is an old article by Scott Finnie on Compterworld (since Feb '07)

Windows expert to Redmond: Buh-bye

Scot Finnie says "sayonara" to Windows, but his search for Mac software continues

More than 100 Web 2.0 Online Generators

| Monday, October 08, 2007
The jury is out on how useful this one is. It's hard to be too enthusiastic about the recommendations of a site written in asp and running on BlogEngine.NET! It looks good so far though, I will say.

Shoutcast Internet Radio

| Friday, October 05, 2007
This isn't a bad place to go for some Internet radio. You'll need to install a Media Player that supports Shoutcast's stream playlists. WinAmp is recommended, but I think Jet Audio handles it better.

I've been listening a bit to Prank Call Underground, just for LOLs

Please comment on this post with your favourite Internet radio sites.