For techie tips and tricks, tools and sites of (dis)interest

DO NOT download Tor Button

| Thursday, June 26, 2008
Here's an amusing post on Privoxy and Tor

But seriously, I've just discovered that the tiny Tor Button add-on stops Google Talk Gadget from loading in the sidebar... Bizarro!

The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny (of power tools)

| Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Nod profusely as you read through Scott Hanselman's 2007 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows.

You'll see Notepad2, many offerings from SysInternals and the most powerful Firefox add-on ever, Firebug. If you've ever used them, even just a little, you'd have expected to see them in his list, but I was pleased to see a few things I've never tried, such as FolderShare, WinSnap and Ultramon.

Can't wait to get 'round to sampling them all.

Also, SysInternals have created a live share space for their utilities, so you don't have to have them downloaded in advance before you run them - handy if you're on the road, with a customer and you've forgotten your pen drive. From the readme.txt in the root directory:
What is this?

This is a file share allowing access to all Sysinternals utilities. We have developed this to test an alternate distribution mechanism for our utilities. This will allow you to run these tools from any computer connected to the Internet without having to navigate to a webpage, download and extract the zip file.

Blogger trouble

This is what I see when I try to access my last few posts via Firefox live bookmarks (or even pasting in the same url directly into the address bar).

We're sorry...

... but your query looks similar to automated requests from a computer virus or spyware application
This has happened before, but usually stops after a few minutes - but this time I've been getting this message all afternoon.

Getting this kind of message, and the dreaded internal Blogger error "bX-vjhbsj", pictured below, is the very thing that has driven many bloggers into the attractive, user-friendly and stable bosom of Wordpress (and will continue to do so).

Sort it out Google... I mean Blogger, or Bloogle or whatever. Blogtards.

DVDVideoSoft News


DVDVideoSoft News

DVDVideoSoft moved to new server and prepares new software

Posted: 03 Jun 2008 04:52 PM CDT

We would like to inform you that in May DVDVideoSoft moved to the new server!
Now the Internet connection comes to Gigabit (1000 Mbps), that is much more faster than it was (100 Mbps). Such an improvement allows to increase the downloading speed of our free software and speeds up the work of our forum.

And in the view of the fact that we are preparing next new huge update of free software, this Gigabit connection is for the good of both us and you. Now our server network usage is only about 10%. Let's boost it up, when the new versions of our free tools are available. Keep watching our news!

We also thank those users who have sent us their translations of our programs and their comments and corrections. We will try to include all of them in our new versions. If you want to be famous on our web site, you are welcome to inform us about it and send us you websites and blogs addresses. Get in touch with us at We will write about you in our blog.

P.S. Now you can leave comments on our blog immediately and without any registration.

Add free YouTube download service to your site or blog

Posted: 03 Jun 2008 04:52 PM CDT

We are glad to offer you our new service called free online YouTube video download script for your site or blog!

From now on any owner of a website or a blog may add there a YouTube and Google videos downloading service. This service allows visitors of a site to download videos from YouTube and Google right away to their PC without any other site, software or service.

The only thing you should do is just to copy a small script from our website to your web page. Here there is a detailed and comprehensive instruction of how to do it.