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Looking for iTunes alternatives

| Monday, August 25, 2008
Found one alternative - aTunes - available for Linux and Windows, but would like to know about more:

The main requirement would be full podcast support, and should be opensource (free for corporate use, at least).
Why not use iTunes? Well, I just don't like it. There's Quicktime Alternative - that solves one problem.
As far as I could find tell, the podcast plugin for Winamp doesn't work.

If you know of any other alternatives, please comment.

Forgot what a valuable resource this site is

| Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Just had cause to visit:

For those who haven't been here yet, it's a collection of VB Script files that will perform tweaks for Windows systems. Just have a look through the left hand menu and try something out. Back up first, etc.

Just goes to show how many problems boil down to the PSU



CMS News

| Friday, August 15, 2008