Thing vs. thing demonstrating that Firefox does more of something than IE and Opera put together (like ruling and not sucking, for example):

Yet, despite these amazing findings, I still use Firefox. Why? Well, because it's more useful, a pleasure to use and, in my experience, more reliable and secure. Oh, and it doesn't suck ass.
Opera is one hell of a good browser, but it won't be my first choice for some time. It may be high on security in this test, but that's probably because nothing is quite sure how to attack it - or its user base is so small it's not worth figuring out its vulnerabilities. Besides, there are a few sites and gadgets that don't work well (or at all) in it - though that probably says more about the way they are coded than it does about Opera compatibility. No SeaMonkey or Safari in this study.
Not convinced? Join the debate.
Preaching to the converted, am I? Join the debate anyway. Just for japes.
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