I particularly like (actually, love is not too strong a word) the following add-ons:
- NoScript - from the guys who brought you the essential FlashGot comes the add-on that may save your PC's very life
- CoolIris - that's "cool iris", which will allow you to preview the content behind a link on any web page without actually having to click it. Very cool, but not really that different to just opening the link in a background tab really
- Greasemonkey - this cheeky little primate is sooo fun to play around with (keep it clean - Ed.). You have to try it for yourself.
- Firebug - if you develop web applications or create static or dynamic web pages and sites you absolutely HAVE to install this. This add-on will let you explore the DOM of the current page, view and alter its CSS or JavaScript, changing values on the fly to see how it will look. Go on, get it now, you'll thank me later.
- Session Manager - far superior to Firefox's built-in session management
- Stumbleupon - it has to be either this or del.icio.us, you know what they do...
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