For techie tips and tricks, tools and sites of (dis)interest

Beyond Civilisation

| Monday, March 31, 2008
It's getting harder and harder to find an online store that will ship to this outpost.

For reasons unknown (to me at least), I'm finding all too often these days that I visit, say,, find something I like at a good price, get to the checkout and only then discover that they cannot ship to my destination (which, incidentally, is Ireland).
Why is this getting to be more of a problem?
Technology (of all types) is far cheaper from the UK, France, Germany and elsewhere in the EU. We might be a small market, but surely it's no skin off their noses to ship to anyone, anywhere - provided we'll pay the delivery charge?
Computer hardware, software, musical equipment, cameras - pretty much everything I make big savings on by shopping online - is getting harder to find and the Irish online sellers just don't provide the same value as their foreign counterparts.

I wonder are there any other such blackspots elsewhere in Western Europe?

On the same theme:
Post any bargains you find for computer / electronic hardware, software and gadgets of all kinds - but please check if they can be shipped to Ireland first.

DVDVideoSoft News

| Monday, March 17, 2008

DVDVideoSoft News

DVDVideoSoft released Free Video to Flash Converter v3.2

Posted: 16 Mar 2008 11:51 AM CDT

Free Video to Flash ConverterLast week we released the new version. If you have not downloaded it yet, just do it know. Here is the direct link: Free Video to Flash Converter.

Now there are more than 40 player skins. We added two new basic skins and each of them have six different colors themes. Also we disclosed the player source codes. So if you are experienced in Macromedia Flash, you can download the sources (size: 1.7 Mb, requirements: Macromedia Flash 8), modify them and use by yourself or share it with others. If you want to, just contact us and we will publish your new skin on our site:

There is a new guide, if you host your site or blog on a Windows server, sometimes after embedding video into your webpage, uploading to a Microsoft Windows 2003 server and then viewing in a browser the player says that the "specified file is missing". Learn how to fix this problem.

Keep up watching our site. Next version will include a preset editor, so you will have more control over the output video. You will be able to change such parameters as picture size, frame rate and bitrate.

And thank you for the continuous support!!!

DVDVideoSoft News

| Thursday, March 06, 2008

DVDVideoSoft News

Major updates

Posted: 05 Mar 2008 03:14 PM CST

Hi Everybody, we have updated all our products yesterday!
Now you can use batch mode, download video and extract audio from Google Video,
Download all updated programs from our freeware page.

Batch mode in Free YouTube Download and Free YouTube Uploader

Posted: 05 Mar 2008 03:13 PM CST

Finally Free YouTube Download and Free YouTube Uploader have a batch mode. It means that you can save you time by downloading or uploading several video files during one session.

Download from Google Video

Posted: 05 Mar 2008 03:13 PM CST

Now all our YouTube Download software, including Free Online Service, downloads video and extracts MP3s from Google Video too.

Usually we give our products names which describe their functionality. But now in spite of the fact that our software downloads video and extracts audio from both YouTube and Google Video services, we decided not to rename our tools. So for example Free YouTube to MP3 Converter is still called Free YouTube to MP3 Converter.

Free Video Dub supports more files now

Posted: 05 Mar 2008 03:13 PM CST

Thanks to everyone who sent us “bugy files” Free Video Dub became more stable and supports more video files now.

This is the critical update. We worked hard and fixed lots of bugs. We strongly recommend to download and use the latest version version.

More supported languages

Posted: 05 Mar 2008 03:12 PM CST

Thanks to Wesley Fernando da Silva Sarmento, Mohammed Al-Foulad, Zityi (, HIXXBO, Zafiria Kostopoulou, Javier Alvarez Tello, Udo Staack, Thomas Hermann aka Tjhbk (Http://, Dr. Peter Posse (, Gabriele Luizi from Brazil, Benny Beat (Catalan) and many other people our tools become better and better!

New languages are
Manager: Slovensky, Arabic, Catalan, Turkish, Russian, Estonian, Danish, Hungarian
YouTube Download: Arabic, Greek, Thai
YouTube to iPod: Danish
YouTube to Mp3: Portuguese (Brazil)
Video Dub: French, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil)
Video to iPod: Spanish

!!! And almost all our programs are available in German now.

It is rather amazing fact, but now we have more visitors from German than from USA. It seems that it is a good time to translate our entire site to German.

If German is your native language, you are experienced PC user and interested in a freelance job, please write us to

DirectX 10 for XP?

| Monday, March 03, 2008
This is currently in the alpha stages, and will probably make your XP system unstable, but be my guest ;-)

If someone does make this port stable, then there will be no reason on earth left to upgrade to Vista.

Microsoft in court again

Microsoft are in trouble for setting recommendations for minimum hardware requirements for Vista too low. This resulted in legal action and a demand for internal emails on the subject to be published, read them here.