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Beyond Civilisation

| Monday, March 31, 2008
It's getting harder and harder to find an online store that will ship to this outpost.

For reasons unknown (to me at least), I'm finding all too often these days that I visit, say,, find something I like at a good price, get to the checkout and only then discover that they cannot ship to my destination (which, incidentally, is Ireland).
Why is this getting to be more of a problem?
Technology (of all types) is far cheaper from the UK, France, Germany and elsewhere in the EU. We might be a small market, but surely it's no skin off their noses to ship to anyone, anywhere - provided we'll pay the delivery charge?
Computer hardware, software, musical equipment, cameras - pretty much everything I make big savings on by shopping online - is getting harder to find and the Irish online sellers just don't provide the same value as their foreign counterparts.

I wonder are there any other such blackspots elsewhere in Western Europe?

On the same theme:
Post any bargains you find for computer / electronic hardware, software and gadgets of all kinds - but please check if they can be shipped to Ireland first.


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