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| Monday, May 26, 2008
Poirates rule, or so a new(ish) book, from author Matt Mason, would have us believe.

"The Pirate's Dilemma"* deals with the movement of anti-capitalist pirates, rebelling against the profit-driven, low value corporations who have made stealing an acceptable - if not honorable - pastime for the average Joe. And there was me thinking we were all just common thieves ;-P

Radiohead's two-fingered salute ( possibly one-fingered) to the music establishment last year, courtesy of their "pay whatever you think it's worth" online offering or their new, erm, offering... and Trent Reznor's most generous new album giveaway seem to me to be a response to the power and purpose of this movement. Surely, someday soon one of these  big corporations will  take the hint and start taking a slightly smaller margin to boost sales. They could sack a few layers of middle-men to compensate.

Read the blog of the book, if ye dare.

*Available now in paperback and hardback from stinking corporate swines Amazon. If anyone wants a free copy in PDF format, I'll PM you my Rapidshare link :-P LOL.


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