For techie tips and tricks, tools and sites of (dis)interest

Coding Resources

| Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Is Autocheck.exe playing up on your PC?

| Friday, July 25, 2008
Problem: Spybot-SD Resident scanner pop-up requires confirmation every time Windows starts. Clicking "Remember this decision" won't help...

The pop-up is to alert you that the Session manager registry key in the CurrentControlSet is being changed.

Session Manager registry change detected by Spybot-SD and requires confirmation

Cause: Autocheck.exe is corrupt.

Solution: Run checkdisk on the next boot by clicking Start > run and typing chkdsk /r. You'll see a message saying the volume is currently in use and would you like checkdisk to run on the next reboot - type Y. Reboot at your leisure and make yourself a cup of tea, because this is going to take a while.

It should fix the problem, however, so that's alright then.


Could this spell the end of the sticky post?

That is, if Knol - Google's latest offering to the world of web authoring - has anything to do with it.

Make long links short with shortlinks.js

| Monday, July 14, 2008
I got sick of looking at links I posted with long URLs that spilled off the page, making things look untidy.
After looking around for a way to neatly wrap links without breaking them, I found this.

Now I can post links as long as I like, and this little piece of JavaScript will truncate the link text and preserve the URL. All you need is a little script in the head of your page:
<script type="text/javascript" src="shortlinks.js"> </script>

Onload, the script will execute and rewrite the link as specified in shortlink.js:

// the maximum length of the links<br /> var mustlength=30;
... rewriting the link using the following function:
var newt=t.substr(0,mustlength/2)

There are a load of other useful tools on both and the author's site.

QA Testers needed, job satisfaction guaranteed


Do you hate the new Dilbert site too?

There have been many solutions posed for this one.

One of the more elaborate ones involves downloading a greasemonkey script that strips away the horrible flash from around the daily strip you want to read.

This is a classic case of over-engineering that Dlbert himself would be proud of.

However, it's only unnecessary if you subscribe to daily feeds and are therefore stuck with the flash version.

All the time, was sitting there, waiting for someone to find it.

Generic JVM Argument -Xnoclassgc must not be used with the IBM 1.4.2 SDK... EVER

| Sunday, July 13, 2008
...especially if any classes in your application use serialization or refection.

Does your Java application appear to suffer from memory leaking? If it does, check to see if you have the parameter -Xnoclassgc enabled.
In fact, you should check even if you haven't noticed any memory leaking, and disable it anyway :P

It's hard to believe that people bother arguing over this one - it's been common knowledge for over 2 years now.

Set up LAMP on the Hardy Heron

| Monday, July 07, 2008
No, it's not a clue from a cryptic crossword, but rather Linux, Apache, MySql and PHP - all ready to go as one of the install options on Ubuntu 8.04.

It's worth doing, because by doing it this way, you'll save time on setting them up separately and trying to get them to work together. Read more here.

DVDVideoSoft News

| Friday, July 04, 2008

DVDVideoSoft News

New software coming soon…

Posted: 04 Jul 2008 10:06 AM CDT

Dear All, I’d like to inform you that we are working hard at new programs and this month you should expect several new titles from DVDVideoSoft. These are:
- Free Audio Converter;
- Free Video to DVD Converter;
- Free Disc Burner;
- Free DVD Video Burner;
- Free Audio CD Burner.

Also we will update our existing ones. For example Free Video to Flash Converter will offer new advanced player skins with more controls, like the BIG play button on the video, rewind and fast forward buttons, volume control, auto load enable/disable and full screen mode preview.

Keep up watching our news!

Special thanks and some more interesting free software

Posted: 04 Jul 2008 10:05 AM CDT

Recently we had a problem with html coding on our forum. And John Conners the author of the John’s Adventures blog suggested us a smart solution. Visiting his blog I found that he is a professional developer and I was amazed to find several free programs he had written.

I’d like to recommend you to try John's Background Switcher and John's Image Converter. The first program sits in your system tray and periodically changes the wallpaper on your computer. It can take photos from your computer or even from the WEB (Flickr, Picasa web albums, Facebook, Yahoo…). The second program is a small and easy-to-use image converter. It will help you to make your photos smaller before sending via email or putting them to the WEB. It will save your time!

I hope you will like these programs too.