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Is Autocheck.exe playing up on your PC?

| Friday, July 25, 2008
Problem: Spybot-SD Resident scanner pop-up requires confirmation every time Windows starts. Clicking "Remember this decision" won't help...

The pop-up is to alert you that the Session manager registry key in the CurrentControlSet is being changed.

Session Manager registry change detected by Spybot-SD and requires confirmation

Cause: Autocheck.exe is corrupt.

Solution: Run checkdisk on the next boot by clicking Start > run and typing chkdsk /r. You'll see a message saying the volume is currently in use and would you like checkdisk to run on the next reboot - type Y. Reboot at your leisure and make yourself a cup of tea, because this is going to take a while.

It should fix the problem, however, so that's alright then.



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