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Cowon S9 - looking good

| Thursday, August 13, 2009
Cowon's new flagship offering looks fantastic, but then again, most of their products do.

It features a 3.3" screen and it looks like it will be extremely high def, with perfect colour.
That seems to be the main improvement (maybe the UI and controls were made more intuitive), because the sound quality is exactly the same as the models that have been available for the last few years:
20Hz - 20kHz freq. range and ~30mW per channel max output @ 16 Ohms
I suppose it doesn't need to be any better than that for consumer use - but they could easily take on the pro market if they wanted to.

It has a lot of nice additional features: flash playback, wireless, bluetooth, AV output in PAL/NTSC - I wouldn't mind some of that.
Pity they never did anything about the recording facility. This seems to be the only thing missing - a really good stereo condenser mic instead of a pinhole, and a good sampling bitrate (say 160kbps - 320kbps mp3, instead of 96kbps WMA).
With that, musicians (and bootleggers ;-) wouldn't need the Zoom H-2

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Cowon S9 said...

The Cowon S9 has a very attractive design. The device looks stunning with all the metallic finishing. It is very light in weight. The 3.3inch AMOLED screen is one of the best feature. People will be satisfied with the audio/video performance. Overall its a nice gadget to buy.

pchelptech said...

@ Cowon S9
Thanks for commenting - I'm sure I'll be buying the S9 pretty soon. Can't get enough of that Cowon stuff.

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