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Send Your Details to Support

| Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The clever guys and girls over at Imulus have put together a handy page at
which displays the visitor's environment details right there on the page, such as:
  • Operating System
  • Screen Resolution
  • Web Browser
  • Browser Size
  • IP Address
  • Color Depth
  • Javascript (enabled/disabled)
  • Flash Version
  • Cookies (enabled/disabled)
You can copy individual details, export them as .csv or .pdf, or even mail them to a support tech or engineer for review.

One neat feature you can try is to build a url to send to users to click on when they want to request support:

The details aren't really the point - it's more about the interface and the way the information is presented. It's not hard to see this being applied to present much more detailed and useful system information.
Having worked with automated data collecting tools before, I have to say that this kind of interface would be a quantum leap over what I've seen being used in the support divisions in many of the largest IT companies, including IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and Sun, and I for one would welcome the chance to use it. Imulus would, however, almost certainly have to stray from their world of ASP.NET to provide such tools.

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