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Google and McAfee uncover possible Vietnamese government plot to expose dissidents

| Thursday, April 01, 2010
Google, who pulled out of the Chinese mainland just last week, uncovered a plot to use malware infected computers to expose visitors to, a dissident website criticising Vietnamese mining project involving a Chinese state run company.

The malware made its way on to the unsuspecting users' target computers when they downloaded plug-ins to suppose Vietnamese characters from another site, that had itself been hacked unbeknownst to its owners. McAffee analysed the malware, which they said was a quite standard trojan for tracking user activity, creating access logs and sending them back to the perpetrators servers, currently believed to be elements of the Vietnamese government's security services.

Am I the only one who finds it hard to believe that China isn't involved here somewhere too?

Watch and read the full BBC World report.
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