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Read all about it in the Daily Tweet! Turn your Twitter stream into a newspaper

| Monday, May 10, 2010
If you find keeping up with your Twitter stream hard going, as the updates whizz by and you waste time frantically scrolling up and down trying to find the connected tweets, don't despair: there is a more leisurely way to enjoy them.

It's still in alpha, but have put together a pretty impressive service, although they do warn that "newspapers" may be deleted at any time while they readjust the old load balancers and walk that dangerous tightrope walk that new services do. That's OK though, because creating a replacement newspaper is so easy, it's too trivial to be worth explaining (even for this trivial blog).
So why not give it a try? Long time Twitterers will enjoy seeing tweets in a new format and perhaps long time sceptics will be converted by something that actually looks useful and readable.
Only time will tell.

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