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How long will we have to wait for Google Voice?

| Thursday, August 12, 2010
It's been around for well over a year now, it's been (mostly) well received and it's looking like it should flourish where Wave atrophied and died - but after listening to the fanfare and watching the intro vids, most of the world still only sees this disappointing message when they try to log in:

I'm sure most of us ubergeeks who live outside the US knew it would take some time for Google to hammer out whatever deals are required to roll Voice out in our respective homelands, but who would have thought that it wouldn't have made it to the UK, Germany and Japan, or at least across the border to Canada by now? Many of those who expressed an interest received an invite to sign-up, not that they can be used. There are workarounds, even for those living in one of Europe's smallest countries, but I for one don't want to have to circumvent the checks and jump through hoops just to get some of that Voicy awesomeness to work for me.

Is this like Pandora, who had to withdraw the service in countries imposing licensing constraints? Is it simply about cost, or perceived lack of demand? Whatever it is, I hope it gets sorted out soon and makes it way to wherever you live.


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