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Football Gaffes Galore

| Friday, March 30, 2007
BBC3, Friday, 9pm - 10pm.

1 hour of deeply embarrased footballers. Serves them right for being so grossly overpaid.

I should probably have been out enjoying myself, and not sitting in front of the box like a total sadcase, but this show eased my pain considerably.

Solano, Shearer and Barton line up a cleverly disguised free-kick routine involving lots of feints and ball-hurdling. Barton runs at the ball, jumps over it - the wall breaks a little. Shearer and Solano both run at the ball, pretend to swing at it, run past it an then realise that one of them was supposed to strike it. But who? Hilarious.... Wankers.

The Double Dixon:
I know, it sounds like filth, but I'm actually referring to Dixon's thumping diving header past Seaman and his incomprehensibly brilliant lob from 30 yards over the head of... yes, you guessed it, the same pony-tailed 'keeper as was lobbed by the "only-slightly-less-skillful-than-Lee-Dixon" Ronaldinho. Oh, and Nayim (only that was from about 50 yards). And then there was that Koeman chipped free-kick everyone in the world could see coming from a mile away, except ol' Davey.

Pick of the bunch:
That Pires/Henry penalty. Wtf was he thinking of?

What a great show. It was like watching YouTube, only you could actually see the ball.


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