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This guy knows how to blog

| Thursday, March 29, 2007
Disturbing stuff, but it shows what you can do with the Blogger API.


doctor chip said...
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doctor chip said...

doctor chip said...
got shtein?

hey there, PC Help Forum guy!
thanks for the props!

well, that was maybe a bit presumptuous, as maybe you're a girl, but, hey, you said "football".
heh- soccer to us yanks.

hehheh... he said "yank"

oh, my...

I couldn't find an email link, and your profile page wouldn't load (error message).

always glad to hear from across the "pond", you know it? please drop me an email at:



doctor chip said...

got shtein?

P.S. ---

-- welcome to the Blog-O-Sphere!



pchelptech said...

You're welcome, doctor chip.

And thanks for the wecome - at least I know my blog got one hit ;-)

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