For techie tips and tricks, tools and sites of (dis)interest

Bring on the Vista SP1 hype!

| Thursday, November 29, 2007
ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley has posted on the upcoming SP1 for Vista. We knew it was coming... has she got anything interesting to say about it?

There are already 156 talkbacks (and counting)

Windows software and Linux software

Lists of Windows software with their Linux equivalent.

Google Talk Widget added to the right-hand menu

| Thursday, November 15, 2007
PCHelpForum now comes with new improved chat functionality ;-)

I've had the widget added to my iGoogle homepage for ages, but never thought to enrich any of my websites (or blogs) with it's wonderful googliness. Now that I have finally addressed my tardiness you can all enjoy the finest little IM service in the known interverse right from this blog. So that's all 7 of you then :-P

You can add the google talk widget to your own website by embedding a script. The Google Talk widget is different from Google Chat and Google Talk (client) in a couple of ways - there are new smileys and (more importantly) a new* group chat feature.

* Well, not strictly new, it's been around for nearly six months now - I just didn't get around to blogging it until now, OK?

Top programmers are worth every penny

| Monday, November 12, 2007
Once I was a novice programmer who worked for free (almost). I certainly wasn't very efficient, but I worked with an experienced programmer who was. He also happened to be a fairly patient mentor but would agree whole-heartedly with what this guy has to say:

Songbird - not only a great player

| Friday, November 09, 2007
I like the way music blogs can be bookmarked and viewed within the player. Plus mp3's on the blogs are added to the player and making them available for download.

Top 10 Free video rippers, encoders and converters

| Thursday, November 01, 2007
Tools to help you when either the format is wrong, or you just want to get it onto a different device (please use legally ;).