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Top programmers are worth every penny

| Monday, November 12, 2007
Once I was a novice programmer who worked for free (almost). I certainly wasn't very efficient, but I worked with an experienced programmer who was. He also happened to be a fairly patient mentor but would agree whole-heartedly with what this guy has to say:


Jim said...

This also applies to many other disciplines. Smaller tight knit teams are more productive. The more expert members in the team bring the rest up in skill levels. In larger teams people are generally thrown together more in hope that something good can be produced. It's also easier to hide in a larger team.

It also helps if the team grows in size slowly as it is easier to have skill levels more evenly spread.

But in the real world it's usually a case of throwing lots of bodies to make things work.
Some people get left behind in learning and developing.

pchelptech said...

"...Smaller tight knit teams are more productive..."
"...But in the real world it's usually a case of throwing lots of bodies to make things work..."

Both very true - and the general leaning is towards the latter :(

Another factor is those horrible automatic code generation tools, like Rational Application Developer, that allow these huge teams of know-nothing pretengineers to produce bad code for even worse applications... When you see how bad the HTML that Front Page produces is, you can imagine how bad auto-generated WYSIWYG Java is ;-)

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