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Google Talk Widget added to the right-hand menu

| Thursday, November 15, 2007
PCHelpForum now comes with new improved chat functionality ;-)

I've had the widget added to my iGoogle homepage for ages, but never thought to enrich any of my websites (or blogs) with it's wonderful googliness. Now that I have finally addressed my tardiness you can all enjoy the finest little IM service in the known interverse right from this blog. So that's all 7 of you then :-P

You can add the google talk widget to your own website by embedding a script. The Google Talk widget is different from Google Chat and Google Talk (client) in a couple of ways - there are new smileys and (more importantly) a new* group chat feature.

* Well, not strictly new, it's been around for nearly six months now - I just didn't get around to blogging it until now, OK?


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