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DVDVideoSoft News

| Monday, December 31, 2007

DVDVideoSoft News

Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2008

Posted: 30 Dec 2007 02:18 PM CST

Hello, hello, hello! I’m sure that you have a great pleasure time these holidays.
What about us? Well, we are still working hard and preparing a new gift for you :-). Very soon we will release a new program Free MP4 Video Converter. This tool will enable you to convert video files to MP4 video format for portable devices: players, cell phones, smart phones and so on. The new program will have lots of predefined profiles for different devices, included but not limited to BlackBerry, Nokia, Motorola, SonyEricsson cell phones, Apple iPod, Sony PSP, Archos DVR, Creative Zen Vision, Epson P-series, PlayStation, Xbox, etc.

The program will have a profile editor, so you will be able to specify your device screen resolution, to play with bitrate and framerate in order to increase quality of output video or decrease output file size and to create custom profiles for your specific device with MP4 video support.

Have a great time and do not forget to visit DVDVideoSoft!

PS. I apologize for not answering to your personal emails for about a week or so. I promise, I will answer you within the first days of January 2008.


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