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FastStone Capture now on version 5.9

| Thursday, December 13, 2007
In a post I made earlier this year, I lavished praise on one of my favourite little apps these days

FastStone Capture (the best bang per buck screen capture app there is, I think)

It's remarkable how many features they packed into 1.3MB:
  • multiple image format conversion (jpg, png, gif, bmp, tiff, pcx, tga)
  • export to PDF
  • screen capture direct to Word, PowerPoint
  • edit, edge effects, negative, sepia, blur etc.
  • captioning
  • image format quality setting, with lossless compression and instant preview
  • zoom
  • magnifying glass with negative feature to help those with very poor vision
  • and of course, multiple screen capture modes, such as active window capture, selected window capture, freehand, region, full screen and scrolling window capture
  • oh, and a colour picker
  • and a screen ruler
I think that's everything, as of version 5.9, but I could be wrong.

Sample screencap (with added caption):


Jim said...

Pity I did not have Fastone to capture Nortons AV zero threats found window obscuring the "Your PC has been infected" window lurking right behind. 3 days later I am still laughing at that.

pchelptech said...

That's why you should always have this app on your usb/pen drive - just for times like these... Not so much as a Kodak moment, more of a Norton one.

"SAV Virus Alert: 'Rtvscan.exe' identified as a threat and has been moved to quarantine"

...if only

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