Not if the European Commision, the EU's competition authority (who Microsoft know only too well) have anything to do with it. At least, according to newsfactor.
When I first heard about Oracle's move on Sun and, therefore Sun's own fairly recent acquisition, MySQL, I thought it would all be a done deal by the end of the summer. Little did I know it would still be dragging on now.
That's not to say I'm not glad someone is stepping in and contesting the deal on anti-competitive grounds.
As I've mentioned once or twice in the past, I love MySQL and would hate to see it suppressed or, even worse, blown out of the market completely. I agree with Oracle's claim that they are not in competition with MySQL because they are aimed at completely different market sectors, but I still don't believe Oracle have the intention to allow MySQL to develop any further.
Hopefully, if there is any justice, the EU Commission will find some way to protect MySQL without denying Sun the investment they undoubtedly need. Every day lost in this challenge costs Sun a whopping $3.4M.
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