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Message to UPC: You Suck!

| Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Never in the whole of human history has a cable television / phone / broadband provider sucked quite as much as UPC do at the moment.

I would have thought they'd have been content with getting our bills wrong, cutting us off by mistake, disrupting our service, fobbing off and downright ignoring our legitimate complaints, boring the crap out of us while rolling out a firmware upgrade, providing us with less than 10% of advertised broadband speeds during peak periods and even leaving us without the broadband we paid for for up to three days at a time.

Obviously, I was wrong.

Not remotely interested in providing a better quality service, and this counts for both technical and customer service, UPC has instead spent all their money on protecting their "service" by switching to Nagra 3 encryption.

So now anyone with an box of dreams, or viewer of stars, or whatever, can no longer even watch the channels they've rightly paid for on anything except that god-awful excuse for a box by Pace. The interface. The size. The responsiveness. The remote (see right) It all sucks.

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