It seems that and have been up and down (mostly down) of late.
Here's what to do to fix it:
Quick solution:
- Go to Date and Time properties
- go to the internet time tab
- in the Server combo-box type "" click "Apply" and then "Update"
- provided that the server is up the update will be successful
Longer solution:
Edit the registry to include a few servers
Go to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DateTime\Servers and add a few new string values for the following services that are confirmed to work as of today (25/01/2008):
Not such a pressing issue, but if like me you have several machines on your desk at work all showing different times you might find this a godsend - especially if you have to do a lot of testing that requires you to read through logs that are date/time stamped. Imagine having to do a time differential on every log comparison!
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