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I'm thinking of upgrading my hard drive

| Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Well, my trusty laptop has a 100GB HDD, but it's always getting full... You know, holiday pics and movies, downloaded movies, all my ripped music - all that stuff Sony and Apple want to DRM-ify to death. Anyway, whatever it's full of, a good 80% of it is used up - and we all know how Windows needs space to breathe. I archive stuff onto my 500GB external drive and make the odd DVD backup, but I'd love a big capacity HDD.

I was looking on SVP, Pixmania, Dabs and Komplett and couldn't really find anything big enough. And then I found this

Seeing as this will probably never come into fruition, this will have to do instead.
These drives will slot into the first 1TB notebook by

Of course, all this was made possible by the good people at Hitachi, who have to be one of the best hardware manufacturers of them all. They even made the Raptor great.

Raptor z800


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