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PC World plunges to new depths

| Friday, January 04, 2008
While negative press piles up on PC World's doormat, they obviously forgot to pay the electric bill buried somewhere underneath the thousands of letters of complaint from angry customers.

Anyone who visited their Irish site up until this morning will have seen the notice "account suspended due to non-payment" where the site used to be. Now it looks like PC World got reconnected - their site is up again (sort of... it's under construction). I wonder if they got charged a reconnection fee? ;-)

Here is a small sample of the unrest from around the blog-o-sphere:


Anonymous said...

I work for pc world and all I can say is they SUCK, I wouldn't buy from them in a million years I'd sooner eat my own sh*t and eat the puke I made when I thru it up.

Just kidding

But I h8 them all the same. I'm quitting 2moro.

pchelptech said...


All DSG sites in Ireland were suspended for non-payment - including Currys, Dixons and PC World.

The *reason* is supposed to be that Ireland does not have enough internet *penetration* to warrant the hosting fees. Apparently Ireland's internet shopping market is 1/45th of the size of the UK market. With Ireland's population coming in at about 1/16th of the UK's, that would make Ireland's revenue per capita at about 1/3rd of the UK level. So, having no site is perhaps understandable, but the permanent "new site coming soon" sign they have had on the Currys and Dixons sites since they were first online and the pathetic excuse for a site that PC World had/has is baffling. Why did they ever bother if they weren't going to do it right?

Jim said...

Their website now sports the legend:
PC World coming soon.
This website is currently under construction.

pchelptech said...

That was what prompted me to make the hacker post

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